What is Naprapathic Medicine?
Manual Manipulation
Nutritional Counseling
Therapeutic Modalities
Naprapathic Medicine is a system of healthcare that employs Manual Medicine, Nutritional Counseling and Therapeutic Modalities, specializing in the treatment of pain caused by Connective Tissue Disorders.
Connective tissue supports the spinal column and all joints and articulations of the body.* Connective Tissue Disorders are characterized by abnormal rigid and/or contracted (strained) ligaments, tendons and muscles. These disorders interfere with nerve conduction and the circulation of blood and lymph. This can result in pain and inflammation to the affected area of the body. Causes of connective tissue disorders can include traumatic injury (car accidents, sports injuries, falls, etc.), RMS (repetitive motion syndrome, such as work-related computer or machine use), heavy lifting and improper posture.
Doctors of Naprapathic Medicine are connective tissue specialists and use a three-fold strategy in the treatment of connective tissue disorders. Naprapathic Manual Medicine…. Hands-on (gentle) connective tissue manipulation (CTM) to the spine, joints and articulations of the body.
Nutritional Counseling
Recommendations for dietary changes, food supplementation (as through the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals) to assist the body in achieving optimal health.
Therapeutic Modalities
The use of the effective properties of physical measures of heat, cold, light, water, radiant energy, electricity, sound, air and assistive devices for the purpose of preventing, correcting or alleviating a physical disability. Modalities include ultrasound, electro-stimulation and low-level laser therapy (LLLT, also known as “cold laser therapy”).
Some of the common connective tissue disorders that been successfully treated by Naprapathic Medicine include:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Knee strains
Lower back pain
Neck pain
Pain in the extremities
Shoulder Pain
Tennis elbow
A Philosophy of Naprapathic Education
Naprapathic Medicine is primarily a system of therapeutic manipulation. Naprapaths contend that many functional disorders of the human body result from distortions in the interrelated structural, biochemical, and emotional balance of the normally self-regulating body. The early years of research and clinical application developed primarily the structural phase of therapeutics. Research determined that abnormal contracture of the ligaments and muscles connected to the spinal column affected spinal nerves and consequently their target connective tissues such as organs, glands, and blood vessels, altering their normal function.
Application of specific techniques to correct these connective tissue abnormalities were studied and developed, and a charting system unique to Naprapathic Medicine was instituted in order to record specific findings as well as the therapeutic responses appropriate to each type of connective tissue syndrome. Specific, reliable Naprapathic findings continue to guide the Doctor of Naprapathic Medicine to consistently normalize neurological function through precise manipulative technique.
Around the mid-20th century, Naprapathic Medicine also incorporated the biochemical phase of health. The chemistry of the human body is optimally in continuous process, adjusting to changes in the environment, diet, exercise, posture, redundant motion and individual stresses. A wide spectrum of biochemical components, including nutritional elements, hormones, enzymes, metabolic by-products and end-products are studied as integral factors toward the balance of the human body.
Doctors of Naprapathic Medicine remain person-oriented, taking time to explain procedures and conditions to the patient, and to enlist the patient’s participation in establishing daily healthy habits of exercise, correct posture, sound body mechanics and optimal nutrition.